Category: Blog
talking grifters
About CHLOE PerCapitaThugs/IseeRacists was:weseeracistiseeracist This is who’s behind the account: 𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 “Allegedly” Chloejanzeriaz: aka The WHITE WOMAN GRIFTING You have been chosen to be exposed racist grifter we know you are a yt woman taking monies from FBAs
#QANONSEC secure search portal Version 1.8.0, Android app Version 3.8.1 + Q Browser 2.0 Released
It’s a big day for QANONSEC! We have pushed an update to the #QANONSEC secure search portal, with Version 1.8.0 (Build 8.1) coming out of beta testing, and is now live for all web and app users. Under the hood, its received a lot of code polish, and is 100% compatible and validated by W3C.…
OneFist NAFO FELLAS pedo ring leader
the juice 🧃
((( they / them )))