Tag: X
Christian Brian Rogers
Christian Brian Rogers from Washington State, 30 yo and still lives with his parents. https://www.redfin.com/WA/Wenatchee/1101-9th-St-98801/home/75166547 PEDOPHILE ALERT 🚨🚔@BobFrog911 #QANONSEC @therealqanonsec pic.twitter.com/iak4cVu1oE — just spicci (@justspicci) November 27, 2024
F • R • I • E • N • D • S
PIXEL IMPERFETTI ( The Life of Filippo Turetta)
Pixel imperfetti, un volto di cristallo Sorriso enigmatico, un enigma Mortale sui giornali, un’icona di orrore Dietro lo schermo, un mondo di terrore Creato al computer, un’anima sintetica Un’opera d’arte, ma un’esistenza Patetica occhi che non piangono, un’emozione Finta un’esistenza imperfetta, chiamata TURETTA Nascosto dietro uno schermo, un volto creato dall’AI.Un’esistenza virtuale, un incubo senza…
talking grifters
About CHLOE PerCapitaThugs/IseeRacists was:weseeracistiseeracist This is who’s behind the account: 𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 “Allegedly” Chloejanzeriaz: aka The WHITE WOMAN GRIFTING https://t.co/BcP4J5pXb4 https://t.co/la8CJIryN9 https://t.co/1jjtPb1K0z https://t.co/iON9IbmX0f https://t.co/jCpQfPpHll You have been chosen to be exposed racist grifter we know you are a yt woman taking monies from FBAs
OneFist NAFO FELLAS pedo ring leader